30 Jun 2012
If You Look at the Error, You Will Crash
Wolf Rentzsch rants (there’s that word again) with Andrew Pontious about Apple’s NSError implementation, while also giving a brief history of Mac/Unix error handling and introducing his new JRErr library, which makes NSError usage easier.
- “Marion, don’t look at it. Shut your eyes, Marion. Don’t look at it, no matter what happens!” « IMDb
- Andy Lee tweet: “@apontious @rentzsch The mnemonic is “He’s so smart, I wish I could RENT Z SCHool he went to.” You have to imagine a French accent.”
- errno.h « Wikipedia
- Mac OS memory management « Wikipedia
- rentzsch/mach_error-Decoder-Ring « github.com
- rentzsch/NSXReturnThrowError « github.com
- Dave Dribin on Twitter
- NSError** is hard « rentzsch.tumblr.com
- rentzsch/JRErr « github.com
Rejected Episode Titles:
- Release My Cushion
- The Lie of Try-Catch
- Hypothetical Drug-Addicted Little Sister
- You’ve Got Booleans and You’ve Got Pointers, Haha
- God Help Me, Apple Events!
- All the Badness That Is NSError
- A Magic Cocoa Wand We Could Wave
- NSTherapy