21 Sep 2012
In the Magical World of Threads
Wolf Rentzsch talks with Andrew Pontious about concurrency (with the emphasis on “con”), from the earliest Mac SMP machines to the latest software advances such as Actors.
- The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software, by Herb Sutter
- Moore’s Law « Wikipedia
- Symmetric multiprocessing « Wikipedia
- Multi-core processor « Wikipedia
- Simultaneous multithreading « Wikipedia
- Hyper-threading « Wikipedia
- Interrupt « Wikipedia
- Process (computing) « Wikipedia
- Address space « Wikipedia
- Heap (data structure) « Wikipedia
- Stack-based memory allocation « Wikipedia
- Thread (computing) « Wikipedia
- Event loop « Wikipedia
- Threading Programming Guide: Run Loops
- The C10K problem « Dan Kegel’s Web Hostel
- Nginx Wiki
- Node.js
- Ian Baird tweet: “@drance @cbarrett @andy_matuschak if you pass in some random queue, who owns it? How is it setup (n-wide, or serial)?”
- Grand Central Dispatch « Wikipedia
- Coroutine « Wikipedia
- Episode 0.8.0 - Lua, Luvit, want some more of it, with Tim Caswell - The Changelog Podcast
- Closure (computer science) « Wikipedia
- Continuation « Wikipedia
- Functional programming « Wikipedia
- Haskell « HaskellWiki
- Clojure
- Persistent Data Structures and Managed References, by Rich Hickey
- Actor model « Wikipedia
- Fallacies of Distributed Computing « Wikipedia
- Clojure - state (Rich Hickey’s criticism of Actors)
- stevedekorte/ActorKit « github.com
Rejected Episode Titles:
- With the Emphasize on “Con”
- I Do Not Put Dancing Bunny Suits on My Notes
- So Then We Can Piss It Away Again
- Even the Lowly iPhone
- I Use “Modern” in Scare Quotes
- Back in the Bad Old Days of Web Servers
- I Can Deal with the Edge Cases
- The Limits of Human Thought
- 10,000 Balls at Once
- Puts the Kernel in the Driver’s Seat
- You Don’t Want to Write Thread Pool Crap Code
- Dare I Say It, “Pollyanna-ish”
- KVO Is Not Thread-Happy
- Something That Human Minds Need to Do
- By Popular, I Mean No One Uses Them
- They’re So Explicit
- I Want to Believe